TOP > 総合感染症学・総合感染症科 > 活動紹介 > 研究・業績
Hatta M, Endo S, Tokuda K, Kunishima H, Arai K, Yano H, Ishibashi N, Aoyagi T, Yamada M, Inomata S, Kanamori H, Gu Y, Kitagawa M, Hirakata Y, and Kaku M: Post-Tsunami Outbreaks of Influenza in Evacuation Centers in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan. Clin Infect Dis 54: e5-7, 2012
Yanagihara K, Araki N, Watanabe S, Kinebuchi T, Kaku M, Maesaki S, Yamaguchi K, Matsumoto T, Mikamo H, Takesue Y, Kadota J, Fujita J, Iwatsuki K, Hino H, Kaneko T, Asagoe K, Ikeda M, Yasuoka A, Kohno S: Antimicrobial susceptibility and molecular characteristics of 857 methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolates from 16 medical centers in Japan (2008-2009): nationwide survey of community-acquired and nosocomial MRSA. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis 72:253-7, 2012
Kanamori H, Isogami K, Hatakeyama T, Saito H, Shimada K, Uchiyama B, Aso N, Kaku M: Chest wall abscess due to Mycobacterium bovis BCG after intravesical BCG therapy. J Clin Microbiol 50: 533-5, 2012
Kanamori H, Aso N, Weber DJ, Koide M, Sasaki Y, Tokuda K, and Kaku M: Latent tuberculosis infection in nurses exposed to tuberculous patients cared for in rooms without negative pressure after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 33: 204-6, 2012
Fujino N, Kubo H, Suzuki T, He M, Suzuki T, Yamada M, Takahashi T, Ota C, Yamaya M: Administration of a specific inhibitor of neutrophil elastase attenuates pulmonary fibrosis after acute lung injury in mice. Exp Lung Res 38:28-36, 2012
Endo S, Sasano M, Yano H, Arai K, Aoyagi T, Hatta M, Gu Y, Yamada M, Tokuda K, Ogawa M, Shimojima M, Kitagawa M, Kunishima H, Hirakata Y, and Kaku M: First carbapenem-resistant isolates of Acinetobacter soli in Japan. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 56: 2786-2787, 2012
Hirakata Y, Yano H, Arai K, Kitagawa M, Hatta M, Kunishima H, and Kaku M: Bactericidal effects of antimicrobial agents on epithelial cell-associated Pseudomonas aeruginosa. J Infect Chemother 18: 347-351, 2012
Endo S, Yano H, Hirakata Y, Arai K, Kanamori H, Ogawa M, Shimojima M, Ishibashi N, Aoyagi T, Hatta M, Yamada M, Tokuda K, Kitagawa M, Kunishima H, and Kaku M: Molecular epidemiology of carbapenem non-susceptible Acinetobacter baumannii in Japan. J Antimicrob Chemother 67: 1623-1626, 2012
Kanamori H, Yano H, Hirakata Y, Hirotani A, Arai K, Endo S, Ichimura S, Ogawa M, Shimojima M, Aoyagi T, Hatta M, Yamada M, Gu Y, Tokuda K, Kunishima H, Kitagawa M, and Kaku M. Molecular characteristics of extended-spectrum β-lactamases and qnr Determinants in Enterobacter Species from Japan. PLoS ONE 7: e37967, 2012
Yano H, Ogawa M, Endo S, Kakuta R, Kanamori H, Inomata S, Ishibashi N, Aoyagi T, Hatta M, Gu Y, Yamada M, Tokuda K, Kunishima H, Kitagawa M, Hirakata Y, and Kaku M: High frequency of IMP-6 among clinical isolates of metallo-β-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli in Japan. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 56: 4554-4555, 2012
Kuroda H, Yano H, Hirakata Y, Arai K, Endo S, Kanamori H, Yamamoto H, Ichimura S, Ogawa M, Shimojima M, Komatsu M, Jonai T, Itagaki S, Nonomiya Y, Suwabe A, and Kaku M: Molecular characteristics of extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli in Japan: Emergence of CTX-M-15-producing E. coli ST131. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis 74: 201-203, 2012.
Miyasaka T, Aoyagi T, Uchiyama B, Oishi K, Nakayama T, Kinjo Y, Miyazaki Y, Kunishima H, Hirakata Y, Kaku M, Kawakami K: A possible relationship of natural killer T cells with humoral immune response to 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine in clinical settings. Vaccine 30: 3304-3310, 2012
Endo S, Sasano M, Yano H, Inomata S, Ishibashi N, Aoyagi T, Hatta M, Gu Y, Yamada M, Tokuda K, Kitagawa M, Kunishima H, Hirakata Y, and Kaku M: IMP-1-producing carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter ursingii from Japan. J Antimicrob Chemother 67: 2533-2534, 2012
Fujino N, Kubo H, Ota C, Suzuki T, Suzuki S, Yamada M, Takahashi T, He M, Suzuki T, Kondo T, Yamaya M: A Novel Method for Isolating Individual Cellular Components from the Adult Human Distal Lung. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 46: 422-430, 2012
Otawa K, Hirakata Y, Kaku M, and Nakai Y: Bacteriophage control of vancomycin-resistant enterococci in cattle compost. J Appl Microbiol 113: 499-507, 2012
Takahashi T, Kobayashi S, Fujino N, Suzuki T, Ota C, He M, Yamada M, Suzuki S, Yanai M, Kurosawa S, Yamaya M, Kubo H: Increased circulating endothelial microparticles in COPD patients: a potential biomarker for COPD exacerbation susceptibility. Thorax 67: 1067-1074, 2012
Iwata K, Ohji G, Oka H, Takayama Y, Aoyagi T, Gu Y, Hatta M, Tokuda K, and Kaku M: Communicable diseases after the disasters: with the special reference to the great east japan earthquake. Journal of Disaster Research 7: 746-753, 2012
Yamaguchi K, Hirakata Y, Kobayashi I, Ikedo M, Ohno A: A report from the committee on microbroth dilution antimicrobial susceptibility testing: issues in antimicrobial susceptibility testing of Haemophilus influenzae : a comparison of the Japanese Society of Chemotherapy lysed horse blood and the CLSI HTM broth microdilution methods. J Infect Chemother 18:134-143, 2012
Kanamori H, Weber DJ, Sickbert-Bennett EE, Brown V, Kaku M, Rutala WA: Descriptive analysis of healthcare-associated infections other than bloodstream, respiratory, urinary tract, or surgical site infections, 2001-2011. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 33: 1276-1278, 2012
遠藤史郎、徳田浩一、八田益充、國島広之、猪股真也、石橋令臣、新井和明、具 芳明、青柳哲史、山田充啓、矢野寿一、北川美穂、平潟洋一、賀来満夫:東日本大震災後の避難所において発生したA型インフルエンザアウトブレイク事例、環境感染誌 27: 50-6, 2012
小澤大樹、矢野寿一、沖津尚弘、千葉敏彦、中林成一郎、小林俊光:咽頭STDに対する意識調査〜アンケート結果から〜、日本耳鼻咽喉科感染症研究会会誌30: 71-76, 2012
菅原民枝、大日康史、具 芳明、川野原弘和、谷口清州、岡部信彦:薬局サーベイランスによる抗菌薬使用量の検討.環境感染誌 27:195-198,2012
矢野寿一:小児の耳鼻咽喉科108の疑問-急性副鼻腔炎-ウイルス性か細菌性かの鑑別は?、JOHNS 28: 382-3, 2012
矢野寿一、賀来満夫:感染症と抗菌薬の使い方〜多剤耐性菌の現状・対策・予防〜、診断と治療 100: 353-8, 2012
具 芳明:疫学理解のための重用語解説.感染対策ICTジャーナル 7: 111-117, 2012
Gu Y, Kaku M: How can we fight against antimicrobial-resistant bacteria in the World Health Organization Western Paficif Region? Western Pacific Surveillance and Response Journal, 2012, 3(3). doi:10.5365/wpsar.2011.2.4.017
具 芳明:妊婦への抗菌薬使用時の注意点.日本医師会雑誌 141:1022, 2012
具 芳明:「命拾いしました」.KANSEN Journal(日本感染症教育研究会(IDATEN)メールマガジン)http://kansenjournal.theidaten.jp/
徳田浩一:ヨーロッパで問題となった腸管出血性大腸菌O104:H4による食中毒アウトブレイク、小児科 53: 631-9, 2012
青柳哲史、國島広之、賀来満夫:「血管留置カテーテル感染」救急医学36:579-582, 2012
國島広之:破傷風、クリンネス325:2-7, 2012
金森 肇、國島広之、賀来満夫:肺炎の診断面での新しい流れ、成人病と生活習慣病42: 1326-1331, 2012
金森 肇、遠藤史郎、國島広之: Update1 針刺し切創・血液曝露対策からみた安全器具の最新情報−器具の評価と導入のポイント. 検査関係:真空採血器・動脈採血器・血糖測定関係・RI検査など. 感染対策ICTジャーナル
8: 42-47, 2013
矢野寿一:内科医にとって必ず知っておくべき感染症を診る、「かぜ」という病名はありません -急性上気道炎(急性副鼻腔炎、急性咽頭炎、急性扁桃炎など)へのアプローチ-、臨床感染症ブックレット5巻:ゲスト編集;山口敏行、編集委員;前崎繁文、大曲貴夫、文光堂、東京、2-7: 2012
徳田浩一:百日咳・パラ百日咳.今日の小児治療指針 第15版、医学書院、340-341: 2012
徳田浩一:必要な予防接種.岩田健太郎、國島広之、具芳明、大路剛、賀来満夫(編)、災害ボランティア健康管理マニュアル、中外医学社、16-19; 2012
具 芳明:リンパ節腫脹.蓑田正祐、山中克郎(編)、増刊レジデントノート キーワードから展開する攻める診断学、羊土社、52-59; 2012
具 芳明:必要な健康チェック.岩田健太郎、國島広之、具芳明、大路剛、賀来満夫(編)、災害ボランティア健康管理マニュアル、中外医学社、2-5; 2012
具 芳明:携行すべき医薬品など.岩田健太郎、國島広之、具芳明、大路剛、賀来満夫(編)、災害ボランティア健康管理マニュアル、中外医学社、6-9; 2012
具 芳明:皮ふのぶつぶつ.岩田健太郎、國島広之、具芳明、大路剛、賀来満夫(編)、災害ボランティア健康管理マニュアル、中外医学社、40-43; 2012
具 芳明:手の洗い方.岩田健太郎、國島広之、具芳明、大路剛、賀来満夫(編)、災害ボランティア健康管理マニュアル、中外医学社、52-57; 2012
具 芳明:マスクの着け方.岩田健太郎、國島広之、具芳明、大路剛、賀来満夫(編)、災害ボランティア健康管理マニュアル、中外医学社、58-63; 2012
矢野寿一:中耳炎および副鼻腔炎、JAID/JSC感染症治療ガイド、JAID/JSC感染症治療ガイド委員会編集、ライフサイエンス出版、37-41, 2012
平潟洋一:肺炎、 JAID/JSC感染症治療ガイド、JAID/JSC感染症治療ガイド委員会編集、ライフサイエンス出版、55-102, 2012
平潟洋一:骨髄炎、JAID/JSC感染症治療ガイド、JAID/JSC感染症治療ガイド委員会編集、ライフサイエンス出版、115-127, 2012
矢野寿一:耳鼻咽喉科日常診療スーパーガイド -実践的耳鼻咽喉科検査法- 感染症に関する検査、編集;小林俊光、中山書店、東京、173-178, 2012
矢野寿一:耳鼻咽喉科日常診療スーパーガイド -実践的耳鼻咽喉科検査法- コラム:MICの結果から薬剤をどのように選択したらよいですか? 編集;小林俊光、中山書店、東京、179-180, 2012
具 芳明:ノロウイルス抗原.細川直登(編)、感度と特異度からひもとく感染症診療のDecision Making、文光堂、234-236; 2012
具 芳明:深頸部感染症の分類と考え方を教えてください.笠原敬、前崎繁文、大曲貴夫(編)、入院患者における重症・難治性感染症を診る、文光堂、135-136, 2012
具 芳明:呼吸器・胸部(肺炎、膿胸、肺膿瘍).大曲貴夫(監修)、がん患者の感染症診療マニュアル 改訂第2版、南山堂、134-155, 2012
Tokuda K, Yoshida M, Sunagawa T, Arise K, Tanaka-Taya K, Kunishima H, Kaku M, Taniguchi K, and Okabe N: Detection and Control of a Pertussis Outbreak in a Medical School and University Hospital. The 2012 International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases (ICEID), March 12, 2012, Atlanta
Takahashi T, Kobayashi S, Fujino N, Ota C, Yamada M, He M, Kurosawa S, Yamaya M and Kubo H: Number Of Circulating Endothelial Microparticles Are Increased During Acute Exacerbation Of COPD; Potential Biomarkers For Progression Of Exacerbation. American Thoracic Society International Conference. May 20, 2012, San Francisco, USA.
Fujino N, Ota C, Suzuki T, Suzuki S, Yamada M, Takahashi T, Kondo T, Yamaya M, and Kubo H: Gene Expression Profiles Of Alveolar Type II Cells From COPD Patients. American Thoracic Society International Conference. May 21, 2012, San Francisco, USA.
Ota C, Fujino N, Yamada M, Motohashi H, Kato H, Yamaya M and Kubo H: Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor Restores The Gene Expression Of Human Lung Surfactant Protein C During Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition In Vitro. American Thoracic Society International Conference. May 21, 2012, San Francisco, USA.
Yamada M, Kubo H, Fujino N, Ota C, Suzuki T, Takahashi T, Kunishima H, Aoyagi T, Yamaya M and Kaku M: Supplementation Of MiR-200c Or Inhibition Of MiR-21 Attenuates TGF-b-Induced Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition In Mouse Alveolar Type II Cells. American Thoracic Society International Conference May 22, 2012, San Francisco, USA.
Suzuki T, Kubo H, Yamada M, Fuwa H, Fujino N, Takahashi T, Ota C, Yamaya M and Kubo H: An Anti-Cancer Effect Of Newly Synthesized Marine Macrolide, (-)-Exiguolide. American Thoracic Society International Conference. May 23, 2012, San Francisco, USA.
Kakuta R, Hidaka H, Yano H, Miyazaki H, Hirakata Y, Kaku M, and Kobayashi T: Actinomycosis of the middle ear: Identification of Actinomyces meyeri using 16S rRNA analysis. The 9th International Conference on Cholesteatoma and Ear Surgery. June 7, 2012, Nagasaki, Japan
Yano H, Endo S, Kanamori H, Inomata S, Kakuta R, Ishibashi N, Aoyagi T, Hatta M, Gu Y, Yamada M, Tokuda K, Kunishima H, Kitagawa M, Hirakata Y, and Kaku M: Molecular characteristics of extended-spectrum β-lactamases in clinical isolates of Escherichia coli at a Japanese tertiary hospital. 52th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICCAC). September 9, 2012, Chicago, San Francisco
Endo S, Sasano M, Yano H, Kanamori H, Inomata S, Ishibashi N, Aoyagi T, Hatta M, Gu Y, Yamada M, Tokuda K, Kitagawa M, Kunishima H, and Kaku M: Molecular identification and characterization of Acinetobacter species causing bacteremia at a Japanese tertiary hospital. 52th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICCAC). September 9, 2012, Chicago, San Francisco
Kanamori H, Aso N, Tadano S, Saito M, Uchiyama B, Ishibashi N, Inomata S, Endo S, Aoyagi T, Hatta M, Yamada M, Gu Y, Tokuda K, Yano H, Kunishima H, Hirakata Y, Saijyo T, Kitagawa M, and Kaku M: Latent tuberculosis infection among evacuees exposed to a tuberculous patient at a shelter after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. IDWeek 2012. October 18, 2012, San Diego, USA.
Kanamori H, Weber DJ, Sickbert-Bennett EE, Brown V, Kaku M, and Rutala WA: Descriptive analysis of healthcare-associated infections other than bloodstream, respiratory, urinary tract or surgical site, 2001-2011. IDWeek 2012. October 18, 2012, San Diego, USA.
Hatta M, Kunishima H, Kanazawa E, Inomata S, Ishibashi N, Kanamori H, Endo S, Aoyagi T, Gu Y, Yamada M, Yano H, Tokuda K, Kitagawa M, and Kaku M: An outbreak of norovirus gastroenteritis: Importance of a weighing machine for diapers as a possible transmission route. IDWeek 2012. October 18, 2012, San Diego, USA.
Hatta M, Kunishima H, Kimura Y, Fukuhara T, Kikuchi T, Seki N, Katsumi M, Endo M, Abe Y, Nagasawa M, Kitagawa M, Watanabe A, Nukiwa T, Ichinose M, and Kaku M: Imported melioidosis: A case report and literature review of cases in Japan. IDWeek 2012. October 18, 2012, San Diego, USA.
Tokuda K, Imuta N, Ueno K, Endo S, Aoyagi T, Yamada M, Hatta M, Kanamori H, Gu Y, Ishibashi N, Inomata S, Kunishima H, Kitagawa M, Yano H, Nishi J, and Kaku M: A Study of Multiple Amplification of the Capsulation Locus in Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) as Possible Factors for Hib Vaccine Failure in Japan. IDWeek 2012, October 18, 2012, San Diego
Aoyagi T, Kunishima H, Kanamori H, Endo S, Hatta M, Gu Y, Yamada M, Tokuda K, Yano H, Kitagawa M, Kaku M: Candida albicans versus non-albicans Candida in general wards at the tertiary University hospital in Japan. 8th International Healthcare Infection Society (HIS) Conference and Federation of Infection Societies (FIS) annual conference. November 19-21, 2012, Liverpool, UK
Kanamori H, Tokuda K, Inomata S, Saito M, Ikeda S, Yano H, Kunishima H, Kitagawa M, and Kaku M: Application of phage open-reading frame typing to methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus outbreak investigations in a Japanese tertiary care hospital. 8th International Healthcare Infection Society (HIS) Conference and Federation of Infection Societies (FIS) annual conference. November 19, 2012, Liverpool, UK
Kanamori H, Tadano S, Uchiyama B, Endo S, Aoyagi T, Hatta M, Gu Y, Yamada M, Kunishima H, Kiryu K, and Kaku M: Tuberculosis contact investigation at a shelter after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. 8th International Healthcare Infection Society (HIS) Conference and Federation of Infection Societies (FIS) annual conference. November 19, 2012, Liverpool, UK