TOP > 総合感染症学・総合感染症科 > 活動紹介 > 研究・業績
Okitsu N, Yano H, Ohshima H, Sagai S, Irimada M, Ohyama K, and Kobayashi T: Binax NOW® Streptococcus pneumoniae test of middle ear fluid for detecting causative pathogens in children with acute otitis media. J Microbiol Methods 84: 341-2, 2011
Arai K, Hirakata Y, Yano H, Kanamori H, Endo S, Hirotani A, Abe Y, Nagasawa M, Kitagawa M, Aoyagi T, Hatta M, Yamada M, Nishimaki K, Takayama Y, Yamamoto N, Kunishima H, and Kaku M: Emergence of fluoroquinolone-resistant Streptococcus pyogenes in Japan by a point mutation leading to a new amino acid substitution. J Antimicrob Chemother 66: 494-8, 2011
Aoyagi T, Yamamoto N, Hatta M, Tanno D, Miyazato A, Ishii K, Suzuki K, Nakayama T, Taniguchi M, Kunishima H, Hirakata Y, Kaku M, and Kawakami K: Activation of pulmonary invariant NKT cells leads to exacerbation of acute lung injury caused by LPS through local production of IFN-γ and TNF-α by Gr-1+ monocytes. Int Immunol 23: 97-108, 2011
Hidaka H, Kuriyama S, Yano H, Tsuji I, and Kobayashi T: Precipitating factors in the pathogenesis of peritonsillar abscess and bacteriological significance of the Streptococcus milleri group. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 30: 527-32, 2011
Fujisaki M, Sadamoto S, Ikedo M, Totsuka K, Kaku M, Tateda K, Hirakata Y, and Yamaguchi K: Development of interpretive criteria for tebipenem disk diffusion susceptibility testing with Staphylococcus spp. and Haemophilus influenzae. J Infect Chemother. 17: 17-23, 2011
Yamada M, Kubo H, Kobayashi S, Ishizawa K, He M, Suzuki T, Fujino N, Kunishima H, Hatta M, Nishimaki K, Aoyagi T, Tokuda K, Kitagawa M, Yano H, Tamamura H, Fujii N, and Kaku M: The increase in surface cxcr4 expression on lung extravascular neutrophils and its effects on neutrophils during endotoxin-induced lung injury. Cell Mol Immunol 8: 305-14, 2011
Yamada M, Gomez JC, Chugh PE, Lowell CA, Dinauer MC, Dittmer DP, and Doerschuk CM: Interferon-{gamma} production by neutrophils during bacterial pneumonia in mice. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 183: 1391-1401, 2011
He M, Kubo H, Morimoto K, Fujino N, Suzuki T, Takahasi T, Yamada M, Yamaya M, Maekawa T, Yamamoto Y, and Yamamoto H: Receptor for advanced glycation end products binds to phosphatidylserine and assists in the clearance of apoptotic cells. EMBO Rep 12: 358-364, 2011
Fujino N, Kubo H, Suzuki T, Ota C, Hegab AE, He M, Suzuki S, Yamada M, Kondo T, Kato H, and Yamaya M: Isolation of alveolar epithelial type ii progenitor cells from adult human lungs. Lab Invest 91: 363-378, 2011
Kanamori H, Navarro RB, Yano H, Sombrero LT, Capeding MRZ, Lupisan SP, Olveda RM, Arai K, Kunishima H, Hirakata Y, and Kaku M: Molecular characteristics of extended-spectrum β-lactamases in clinical isolates of Enterobacteriaceae from the Philippines. Acta Tropica 120: 140-145, 2011
Gu Y, Komiya N, Kamiya H, Yasui Y, Taniguchi K, and Okabe N: Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 Transmission during Presymptomatic Phase, Japan. Emerging Infectious Diseases 17: 1737-9, 2011
Kanamori H, Yano H, Hirakata Y, Endo S, Arai K, Ogawa M, Shimojima M, Aoyagi T, Hatta M, Yamada M, Nishimaki K, Kitagawa M, Kunishima H, and Kaku M: High prevalence of extended-spectrum β-lactamases and qnr determinants in Citrobacter species from Japan: Dissemination of CTX-M-2. J Antimicrob Chemother 66: 2255-2262, 2011
Kanamori H, Kunishima H, Tokuda K, and Kaku M: Infection control campaign at evacuation centers in Miyagi prefecture after the Great East Japan Earthquake. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 32: 824-6, 2011
Kawamura H, Nishi J, Imuta N, Tokuda K, Miyanohara H, Hashiguchi T, Zenmyo M, Yamamoto T, Ijiri K, Kawano Y, and Komiya S: Quantitative analysis of biofilm formation of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) strains from patients with orthopaedic device-related infections. FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol 63: 10–15, 2011
青柳哲史、國島広之、阿部裕子、長沢光章、石橋令臣、金森肇、遠藤史郎、八田益充、山田充啓、西巻雄司、徳田浩二、北川美穂、新井和明、矢野寿一、平潟洋一、賀来満夫:東北大学病院で検出された血液培養由来Candida属菌の検出状況と薬剤感受性の検討、日臨化東北会誌 20: 12-18, 2011
児玉祐一, 岡本康裕, 荒田道子, 徳田浩一, 西順一郎, 新小田雄一, 西川拓朗, 田邊貴幸, 河野嘉文:中心静脈カテーテル関連化膿性血栓性静脈炎、化膿性肺塞栓症を合併した骨髄異形成症候群の女児例.日本小児血液学会雑誌 25: 31-35, 2011
野村裕一, 山崎雄一, 児玉祐一, 新小田雄一, 江口太助, 田邊貴幸, 徳田浩一, 豊島光雄, 岡本康裕, 河野嘉文:小児科臨床実習における学生の担当患児数と学生による実習評価との関連.日本小児科学会雑誌 115: 138-142, 2011
具 芳明、岡本悦司、大山卓昭、谷口清州、岡部信彦:長野県諏訪地域における外来抗菌薬使用量と薬剤耐性菌の検出頻度についての検討.感染症学雑誌85: 494-500, 2011
平潟洋一:抗菌薬感受性試験がどんどんかわっている!‐CLSI ブレイクポイントの大幅変更‐. Medical Technology 39;10-12;2011
矢野寿一、平潟洋一、賀来満夫:海外における薬剤耐性グラム陰性桿菌の動向. 日本化学療法学会誌 59: 8-16; 2011
山口惠三、平潟洋一、小林寅てつ、池戸正成、大野章:インフルエンザ桿菌に対する微量液体希釈法測定培地の問題点. -日本化学療法学会法馬溶血液添加培地とCLSI法HTM培地の比較-. 日本化学療法学会雑誌 59: 205-214; 2011
矢野寿一:特集・難治化する小児感染症の今日的問題と対応―急性中耳炎―. 化学療法の領域 27: 904-12; 2011
矢野寿一:特集・最近話題の多剤耐性グラム陰性桿菌 – NDM-1産生多剤耐性菌の現況 -. 感染と抗菌薬 14: 178-83, 2011
山田充啓、賀来満夫. 高齢者施設内の感染対策 in高齢者の肺炎 〜治療・リハビリテーション・予防〜. 医薬ジャーナル社. 172-178. 2011.
徳田浩一:特集-アウトブレイク、そのときどうする?—経口感染する病原微生物—、月刊薬事53: 73-77; 2011
矢野寿一:特集・今日的話題の多剤耐性菌の動向と対策—ESBLを中心に—、化学療法の領域27: 1633-8, 2011
國島広之、賀来満夫、標準予防策・感染経路別予防策, 職業感染防止のための安全対策カタログ集第4版(2011年)、職業感染制御研究会、http://jrgoicp.umin.ac.jp/
徳田浩一、賀来満夫:特集-感染症サーベイランス —その役割と展望— 、それぞれの機関が果たす役割「大学」、 臨床と微生物38: 321-4; 2011
平潟洋一:アシネトバクター感染症. 感染症学雑誌 85: 340-46, 2011
遠藤史郎、平潟洋一:微生物検査と薬剤感受性検査の意義. レジデント 4; 12-22, 2011
矢野寿一:小児急性中耳炎をめぐる最近の話題〜ウイルス感染から耐性菌まで〜、日本耳鼻咽喉科学会神奈川県地方部会報25: 34-37, 2011
矢野寿一:「小児感染症2011-今どうなっているの?小児の感染症-」β-ラクタマーゼ非産生アンピシリン耐性インフルエンザ菌(BLNAR)、小児科臨床64: 2467-71, 2011
山田充啓:生体反応におけるキーワードQ&A NETsとhistone、救急医学35: 796-799, 2011
平潟洋一:微生物検査のポイント. レジデントのための呼吸器診療マニュアル、河野茂、早田宏 編集、医学書院、248-260; 2011
平潟洋一:敗血症. 今日の治療指針 2011 山口徹、北原光夫、福井次矢 編、医学書院、232-233; 2011
平潟洋一:緑膿菌感染症. 感染症専門医テキスト 第1部解説編、社団法人日本感染症学会 編、南江堂、972-975; 2011
平潟洋一:脳梗塞後遺症で在宅介護中に食欲低下、微熱、腰痛を認めた高齢男性患者. 感染症専門医テキスト 第Ⅱ部ケーススタディ編、南江堂、212-217; 2011
徳田浩一:マクロライド少量長期療法の中止の時期はいつ? 小児の感染症診療の落とし穴、南江堂、91-93;2011
徳田浩一:包皮炎の治療は皮膚癒着剥離と抗菌薬療法、どちらがいいの? 小児の感染症診療の落とし穴、南江堂、165-167;2011
國島広之. 臨床検査技師との連携. 萩原弘一、芦澤和人、大泉聡史、沖永壮治、服部 登、星川 康 編、呼吸器研修ノート. 初版. 東京: 診断と治療社; 2011, p.112-3.
國島広之. 感染症届け出基準. 萩原弘一、芦澤和人、大泉聡史、沖永壮治、服部 登、星川 康 編、呼吸器研修ノート. 初版. 東京: 診断と治療社; 2011, p.804-7.
國島広之、賀来満夫、喀痰グラム染色は院内肺炎でも有用か?ガイドラインサポートハンドブック, 河野茂 編、医薬ジャーナル社, 大阪、2011. 246-50.
具 芳明:脾機能不全.免疫不全者の呼吸器感染症、大曲貴夫、上田晃弘、藤田崇宏、岸田直樹、荒岡秀樹、相野田祐介 編、南山堂、71-74; 2011
具 芳明:脾臓摘出者で予防すべき微生物と方法.免疫不全者の呼吸器感染症、大曲貴夫、上田晃弘、藤田崇宏、岸田直樹、荒岡秀樹、相野田祐介(編)、南山堂、339-342; 2011
具 芳明:SLE患者に出現した肺野異常陰影(症例検討司会).免疫不全者の呼吸器感染症、大曲貴夫、上田晃弘、藤田崇宏、岸田直樹、荒岡秀樹、相野田祐介(編)、南山堂、353-361; 2011
感染症診療の手引き編集委員会(具 芳明他)、新訂版感染症診療の手引き、正しい感染症診療と抗菌薬適正使用を目指して、シーニュ、2011
Yano H, Kuroda H, Hirakata Y, Arai K, Endo S, Kanamori H, Ogawa M, Shimojima M, Ishibashi N, Aoyagi T, Hatta M, Yamada M, Nishimaki K, Tokuda K, Kitagawa M, Kunishima H, and Kaku M: Molecular characteristics of extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli in Japan: Emergence of CTX-M-15-producing E. coli ST131. 21st European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID). May 7, 2011, Milan, Italy
Yamada M, Kubo H, Fujino N, He M, Suzuki T, Takahashi T, Ota C, Aoyagi T, Kunishima H, Yamaya M, and Kaku M: Expression Patterns Of Two Important Regulatory Micrornas In Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition During Experimental Bleomycin-Induced Lung Fibrosis. American Thoracic Society International Conference. May 16, 2011, Denver, USA.
Fujino N, Ota C, Suzuki T, He M, Takahashi T, Yamada M, Suzuki S, Kondo T, Yamaya M, and Kubo H: A New Flow-Cytometric Method For Isolating Component Cells Individually From Adult Human Distal Lungs. American Thoracic Society International Conference. May 17, 2011, Denver, USA.
Ota C, Fujino N, Suzuki T, He M, Takahashi T, Suzuki S, Yamada M, Kondo T, Kato H, Yamaya M, and Kubo H: A Novel Differentiation Assay System For Human Alveolar Epithelial Type II Cells From Alveolar Epithelial Stem/Progenitor Cells In Vitro. American Thoracic Society International Conference. May 16, 2011, Denver, USA.
Kunishima H, Tokuda K, Meguro M, Kobayashi T, Chiba J, Aoyagi T, Hatta M, Kitagawa M, Honda Y, and Kaku M: ASSESSMENT OF HAND HYGIENE ADHERENCE USING A WEB CAMERA. The 1st International Conference on Prevention and Infection Control, Geneva, Swiss, 2011.
Nishimura H, Hatagishi E, Ohmiya S, Yano H, Hori T, Suzuki Y, Saito R, Shoji M, Morisaki Y, and Sakata S: A quantification system for influenza virus in patient’s cough. The International Union of Microbiological Societies 2011 Congress, September 13, 2011, Sapporo
Watanabe O, Oumi A, Yano H, Nagai Y, Katsushima F, Katsushima Y, Katsushima N, Shoji M, Kitaoka S, Tazawa Y, and Nishimura H: Human parainfluenza virus type 4 infections in pediatric patients in Sendai and Yamagata Cities, Japan. The International Union Of Microbiological Societies 2011 Congress, September 13, 2011, Sapporo
Endo S, Yano H, Hirakata Y, Arai K, Kanamori H, Ogawa M, Shimojima M, Inomata S, Ishibashi N, Aoyagi T, Hatta M, Yamada M, Gu Y, Tokuda K, Kitagawa M, Kunishima H, and Kaku M: Molecular and carbapenem resistance epidemiology of Acinetobacter spp. in Japan. 51th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICCAC). September 18, 2011, Chicago
Yano H, Kuroda H, Hirakata Y, Arai K, Kanamori H, Endo S, Ogawa M, Shimojima M, Inomata S, Ishibashi N, Aoyagi T, Hatta M, Yamada M, Gu Y, Tokuda K, Kitagawa M, Kunishima H, and Kaku M: Molecular characteristics of extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli in Japan: Emergence of CTX-M-27-producing E. coli. 51th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICCAC). September 19, 2011, Chicago
Arai K, Hirakata Y, Yano H, Kanamori H, Endo S, Ishibashi N, Inomata S, Kitagawa M, Aoyagi T, Hatta M, Yamada M, Tokuda K, Kunishima H, and Kaku M: Genetic analysis of macrolide-resistant Streptococcus pyogenes in Japan: High prevalence of inducible telithromycin-resistance. 51th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICCAC). September 19, 2011, Chicago
Hatta M, Aoyagi T, Kitagawa M, and Kaku M: Analyses of Short-term Antimicrobial Activity of WAP-8294A2, a Novel Antibiotic against MRSA. 51th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICCAC). September 19, 2011, Chicago
Aoyagi T, Yamada M, Kunishima H, Tokuda K, Yano H, Ishibashi N, Hatta M, Endo S, Arai K, Kanamori H, Kitagawa M, Hirakata Y, and Kaku M: Analysis of infectious diseases in the aftermath of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami: the threat of pneumonia to survivors. The 49th Annual Meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA), October 21, 2011, Boston
Tokuda K, Kunishima H, Endo S, Hatta M, Kanamori H, Ishibashi N, Arai K, Gu Y, Inomata S, Aoyagi T, Yamada M, Kitagawa M, Yano H, Hirakata Y, and Kaku M: Assessment of sanitary and infectious risk factors in evacuation centers after the great east Japan earthquake. The 49th Annual Meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA), October 21, 2011, Boston
Hatta M, Endo S, Tokuda K, Kunishima H, Arai K, Yano H, Ishibashi N, Aoyagi T, Yamada M, Inomata S, Kanamori H, Gu Y, Kitagawa M, Hirakata Y, and Kaku M: Post-tsunami outbreaks of influenza in evacuation centers in Miyagi prefecture, Japan, 2011. The 49th Annual Meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA), Boston, October 21, 2011
Gu Y, Shimada T, Yasui Y, Tada Y, Kaku M, and Okabe N: National Surveillance of Influenza A(H1N1)2009-Associated Encephalopathy — Japan, 2009-2010. 49th Annual Meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA), October 22, 2011, Boston